What Car Advice Would You Give Your Teenage Self?
They say hindsight is 20/20 and they're right. As respectable and responsible citizens of the roads now, we've come a long way from the papery provisional license days of our teenage dream years. We're richer in experience and knowledge and we're better off because of it. Mostly.
The problem with experience is that generally, something had to go wrong somewhere along the way for us to learn from it. That's kind of how it works.
If you could go back and give your teenage self some car advice, what would it be? Don't buy that? Don't hoon that? Don't sneak out with the car to meet up with that cute guy or girl from chem class after curfew?
For those of you who are still in your teenage years: first, I'm incredibly jealous because you can eat whatever you want and you won't gain a pound and second, listen up, because this might be helpful to you!