Crash d'Concours Just Won Pebble (And It's Barely Begun)

When Icon's Jonathan Ward calls up a few friends to put on a car show, you know it's going to be amazing. But I wasn't expecting this. It's the most Jalopnik car show at Pebble this side of Concours d'LeMons, and Ward and Co. managed to pull it off in less than three weeks.

Crash d'Concours is the perfect assemblage of retrolicious machines, engineering insanity, and new school tech laid out on a small lawn and free for all. Local Motors was there with two Rally Fighters and a new bike, along with Blastolene, Rodzilla, Emory Motorsports, Steve Moal, Zelectric Motors, Vintage Electric Bikes, and, of course, Icon. It was the perfect way to kick off the week, and here's just a sampling of the best stuff crushing the grass.

Icon's latest Derelict

With the interior and patina intact.

And a engine cover to match that was made up by a Hollywood set designer, because Icon...

No words...

That's a Ferrari grey.

And Ferrari leather that I snuggled with.

And it's owned by the EGarage crew.

This 1956 356 Speedster had a 2.4-liter 912 engine shoved out back, with 200 hp run through a 901's 4-speed manual. Total weight: 1,950 pounds.

And then there's this Outlaw rep.

This had to be the cleanest electric Beetle I've ever seen, putting the normal hack and slash jobs around the Bay Area to shame.

Oh, and this thing, with a full carbon fiber body, Tron-esque lighting, and yes, those are holes in the doors (they have two pairs, one for summer, another for winter).

If you're coming out next year, add it to your calendar now.

