Comment Of The Day: Sobbing In The Bathroom Edition
With the right analogy, even the most attractive objects can take on a whole new, strange life in your mind—you know, the "can't un-see" dilemma. It's really quite odd how that happens, isn't it?
Today's comment of the day is less about clever merit and more about the fact that now that I can't un-see these things, I want to share the burden with you all. That isn't very nice of me, and I'm sorry.
We've been talking a lot about the cosmetic features of cars today, such as the Lexus RC F's freaky grille and the new 2018 Ford Mustang's depressing face. In the conversation about car faces, we got this comment from Drakkon- Principal O'Shack-Hennessey:
Man. That is a good looking car, and now I see that poor, crying girl's face in the taillights. On the same note, here's an honorable-mention comment from Miss Mercedes to bother you whenever you see a Lexus (the logos are on more than just the RC F in the Lexus lineup!):
Happy almost Tuesday! Sorry to haunt you with this, but we can all suffer together. It'll be great.