CBS' 60 Minutes Takes A Test Drive In A Lamborghini Countach
Welcome to Sunday Matinee, where we highlight classic car reviews or other longer videos I find on YouTube. Kick back and enjoy this blast from the past.
This week marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Ferruccio Lamborghini, an Italian businessman who founded a car company you may or may not have heard of.
Under the watchful eye of the Volkswagen Group, Lamborghini's cars are more polished than ever. But in some ways, I don't feel like they're quite as crazy as they were in the days of the Countach, even if they are vastly better and more powerful.
The Countach is one of my favorite exotics of all time. That's why I get a huge kick out of this 1987 clip from CBS' news show 60 Minutes, in which reporter Morley Safer goes inside the Lamborghini factory and breathlessly describes what makes this fantastically Italian supercar tick.
I don't know if Safer is a car guy or not. He seems to have this kind of detached-but-amused observer quality in this clip, like he's going into a world he doesn't understand but finds fascinating anyway. But he does include a great interview with David E. Davis, a man whose "car guy" credentials are unassailable.
Check it out and tell us what you think. I bet Ferruccio got a kick out of it when he saw it.