Our story of the VW Beetle motorhome unfolds during the bicentennial year of the United States of America, or 1976. In a town outside Escondido, CA, there lived a guy named Gary, whose royal blue leisure suit exuded something people of the day called, "machismo."
Despite his cheery exterior, and no matter how much primo South Valley crank he shot into his arm, Gary was unhappy. Finally, after an unsettling incident involving the family vacuum cleaner, an underaged Fotomat clerk and a watermelon filled with grain alcohol, Gary's parents kicked him out of his childhood home. Gary was crestfallen — it being less than a week before his 38th birthday. With nowhere to turn, Gary phoned his lady, Janet. Janet lived in a tiny motorhome she built out of a VW bug and some spare parts she purloined from a traveling fondue-pot salesman during a game of full-contact strip blackjack late in 1975.
"Can I live with you in your tiny VW motorhome?" Gary asked Janet. "And I see you're wearing the suit I bought you. It looks boss!"
"Only if you remember to wash out the sink when you're done shaving your back," Janet said.
"Done and done," Gary said. "Now, how do I light the gas stove?"
And that was how Gary transcended a life of discontent to become one happy camper, in the afterlife.
[Note: The above is a fictionalization. To build the VW bug motorhome, you can purloin the plans here.]
Camping out in the Future: Verdier s Westfalia Concept [internal]