The other day, Junkman mentioned his Chevy 400-powered '57 Porsche 356. Well, one thing led to another, and we invited him to send in some photos for us to share. See, when most guys claim online to have some outrageous engine/car combo ("Dude, I got a '72 Kadett with Detroit Diesel Series 60!") you take the claim with numerous grains of salt. However, when one of our commenters makes such a claim... well, we believe it, because our commenters are just that good
In Junkman's own words: "It's all steel, crazy fast, surprisingly good handling and totally offensive to all Porsche purists." Hooray for offending the purists!
Look, no duct tape, hose clamps, or plywood! Hmm... there must be room for a supercharger in there somewhere...
In addition to doing very clean engine swaps, Junkman is no slouch in the photography department as well. Oh yeah, and this isn't his only European steed with a Detroit heart transplant: "We also have a '62 Deutsch-Bonnet LeMans Spyder which has had its original 2 cylinder, 850cc engine replaced with a Pontiac 400 V8 (possibly out of another LeMans...)" Keep up the good work, Junkman!