Hassel-huh? "The Hoff" Cuts Video with KITT

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In media, self-deprecation is the slipperiest of slopes — it's way too easy to keep cashing the checks, allowing joke on joke to culminate in a catastrophic loss of dignity. No actor alive has (heretofore) been able to toe the line better than David Hasselhoff, whose ridden extraordinary camp fame to roles in the current #1 movie and highest-rated TV show in the US (Click and America's Got Talent). The gig may be up. Now, he's covered a long-forgotten Ted Mulry Gang number, "Jump in My Car" for his Australian audience, the video for which sends up his goofball heartthrob image with help from old sidekick, KITT (albeit a right-hand-drive doppelganger — thanks to digital video's "mirror" function, likely) and a lineup of run-of-the-mill Aussie floozies. Buckle up for safety. [Thanks to Stephan for the tip.]

More on David Hasselhoff [internal]