Ask Stuntman Greg Tracy Anything You Want Before His Double Loop Dare Attempt

You've seen Greg Tracy drive, you just didn't know it. The six-time Pikes Peak champ has been the wheelman in movies like The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift, The Bourne Ultimatum, and The Italian Job just to name a few. He's also going to attempt a world record double loop stunt for Hot Wheels Saturday with Tanner Foust at the X Games.

He's taking a break from his preparations to chat with all of you, live, using our new Q&A discussion system. Ask your questions now and he'll be on at approximately 12:30 PM EST to answer them.

Tracy's IMDB page reads like a best-of for car films made in the last decade. His car control is as legendary as his mustache is full and lustrous. He rides bikes. He drifts muscle cars. He is the stuntman we all wished we were and, unlike Ryan Gosling, he hasn't gotten tied up with the mob (we hope!).

His next challenge is probably the biggest ever. Two cars. One giant six-story-high double loop. About a million ways it could go wrong. You can watch it live on June 30th at 2 PM EST on ABC as a part of the X-Games.

You can ask him all the questions you can think of right here. Live.

