Fast And Furious 6 Extended Trailer: Now With Even More Carnage

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Fast And Furious 6's first short trailer aired during the Super Bowl on Sunday. If you didn't think it had enough explosions or action, then I have some great news.


The full three minute trailer was has now been released. There are more crashes! More explosions! More guns! More labored dialogue from Vin Diesel! It has everything!


I'm pretty excited for Fast And Furious 6, mainly because of the guarantee of oodles of action and tons of cars. In the extended trailer, I spotted a Pagani Zonda, Koeniggseggs, and a Ferrari. Oh, and Michelle Rodriguez is alive and evil, maybe some sort of Stockholm Syndrome thing? I also got a bit more backstory, which is always nice.


Sit back for the most action packed three minutes you'll see today.