Ask Olympic Gold Medal Sharp Shooter And Gearhead Kim Rhode Anything You Want

Olympic shooter Kim Rhode is into shiny things, but not how you might think. Her shiny things include the barrel on her Perazzi shotgun, the shimmering medals she's picked up at the last four Olympic games, and the polished stainless steel on the Shelby Cobra kit car she hand-built herself.

She'll be representing America in her bid to become the first American in an individual sport to win a medal in five consecutive games. Because she's awesome, Kim has agreed to take a little time out of her busy schedule to answer your questions, live, in our new comment system.

Fire away!

The Californian began shooting when she was just 10 years old and, seven years later, she was standing atop the the winner's podium in Atlanta with her first outdoor gold medal. She went on to win the bronze in 2000, gold in 2004, and silver in 2008. Currently, she's the top-ranked shooter in the world.

Somehow, with all this success, she's found time to rebuild a Shelby Cobra. It took her more than five years to put the Cobra together, by hand, It has an era-appropriate 427 side-oiler, stroked to 454 cubic inches, with two four-barrel carbs. Oh, and she drives it all the time.

Kim is the first American to qualify for the London Olympics and, like the original Cobra itself, she'll be a powerful force in English surroundings.

She'll be answering questions below until she has to get back out on the range.

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone for contributing your questions and a special thanks to Kim for coming in and answering so many of them. Everyone join us in watching her win her fifth medal at the Olympics!

Photo Credit: AP/NBC Sports

