The El Nomado Is An Unheard Of Custom Creation

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Usually when someone decides to turn a car into a truck in the style of an El Camino or a Ranchero, the vehicle they take the sawzall to isn't particularly rare or desirable.

Whoever decided to create this custom El Nomado started with a 1956 Chevrolet Nomad that is both rare and desirable. We have to assume this conversion occurred before collectors had fully recognized how cool the stylish two door station wagons built between 1955 and 1957 are.

Either way, to the likely horror of many tri-five Chevy enthusiasts, someone "in California" decided this Nomad would look better with a custom truck bed—this El Nomado is the awesome result. As you can see where there was once a smooth roofline is now a utilitarian bed complete with a hilarious custom panther carpet.


Honestly based on our love of sacrilegious custom cars and vehicles with the El Camino conversion we were sold on the El Nomado as soon as we saw it. The fact it is pretty nicely executed, has a 4 speed manual and is being sold by a father/son pair that put together a ridiculous video to promote it just makes this car better (Warning: NSFW language).


Although we admit we are among the assortment of "weirdos, quacks, shitheads and freaks" identified by the seller as potential buyers for the El Nomado, but we're still a little skeptical of their price. It appears from the video the car was recently purchased at an estate sale presumably for quite a bit less than the current $19,999 asking price.


Having said that, if you really can't live without an El Nomado we aren't sure we can think of a cheaper way to get one.
