The Best Videos Of The Week

Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.

Let's Never Stop Watching This Video of CNN and Fox Getting the Obamacare Ruling Wrong

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha. View "

NBA Draft Spectators Spent Nearly Five Full Minutes Booing David Stern Last Night

The NBA is sometimes accused of being deaf to criticism, and holding last night's draft in the arena recently abandoned by the new Brooklyn Nets seems like an invitation to belligerence. But it's not just Nets fans who have beef with commissioner David Stern, and he hasn't exactly been graceful when dealing with the press, either. View "

Abusive Boyfriend Gets His Car Trashed By Mob At Car Show

The owner of this white Honda Civic hit his girlfriend, dragged her by her hair, and then attempted to run over a crowd of angry onlookers. That's when the mob trashed and flipped his car. Was this justified? View "

Dora the Explorer Gets a Badass Makeover With the Help of Modern Family's Ariel Winter

Most of us know Dora the Explorer as the bilingual Nick Jr. children's cartoon that's slowly infecting our nation's youth with bleeding heart liberalism and tolerance, but did you know that Dora is also a badass action hero with a hot, shirtless (and, in this case, grownup) sidekick named Diego? Well, she is – Dora has gone live-action and she's here to fuck shit up. View "

This Amazing Gotye Parody Longs For ‘The Star Wars That I Used to Know'

This is pure brilliance. Eddie King and Tyler Marshall from Teddie Films have made this spectacular parody of the song and its companion video, and it's just... man. It takes everything that makes the original song and video so great (That chorus! That paint!) and puts it through a filter of hilarious Star Wars bitchery. View "

This flying robot light show is the coolest thing you will see all day

Stop whatever you're doing right now and watch this. At the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, KMel Robotics – who previously worked on the James Bond theme à la quadrotors – and Marshmallow Laser Feast unveiled this live performance of whirring robots performing a dazzling light show. Words cannot describe how rad this is – it's like War of the Worlds meets Space Invaders meets laser planetarium Vangelis meets a fire-and-brimstone tent revival sponsored by Skynet. Flabbergastingly fantastic. View "

Public Radio Reporter Interviews His Two Little Girls After One Gives the Other the ‘Worst Haircut Ever'

Hartford-based WNPR reporter Jeff Cohen has two little girls: Sadie, 5, and Eva, 3. Recently, Sadie decided to give Eva a homemade haircut, which, as you might expect, didn't end up looking very good. View "

Ann Curry's Teary Goodbye on Today: ‘This Is Not How I Expected to Leave This Couch After 15 Years'

At 8:50 this morning, Ann Curry signed off as Today show co-host. It was a teary scene, and Ann was heart-breakingly apologetic, saying: "For all of you, who saw me as a groundbreaker, I'm sorry I couldn't carry the ball over the finish line... but I did try." Ouch. View "

Mario Balotelli Singlehandedly Knocked Germany Out Of Euro 2012

Italy's Mario Balotelli scored two first-half goals that proved to be deciding in Italy's 2-1 dispatching of Germany in today's Euro 2012 semifinal in Warsaw. View "

Sony's Best Commercial in Years

For around a decade, Sony and its various advertising agencies managed to create not only some of the most memorable commercials in gaming, but straight-up of the most memorable advertisements. View "

Watch A Hit-And-Run Rider Get Chased And Forced To Submit

Once they heard the story he had to tell about what happened to him late last week, friends of North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club's "findurpath" (aka James) implored him to send this video along to Jalopnik. View "

Jon Stewart Discusses Partisan Bickering in the Wake of the Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling

We're all aware of the Supreme Court's Obamacare ruling today (and the fuck ups by CNN and Fox News) but what happened in spin alley after the decision came down? On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a survey of some Republican reactions, focusing on Mitt Romney's completely predictable (and contradictory) remarks. View "

Sneak Peek: Shirley MacLaine on Downton Abbey

Last night during the AFI Tribute to Shirley MacLaine, viewers got a teeny tiny preview of Downton Abbey Season 3, in which MacLaine plays Martha Levinson, Lady Cora's mother. In a clip, presented by Lady Cora (Elizabeth McGovern) herself, Martha meets the Dowager Countess, and the snide remarks start flying. View "

If Minecraft Were a Gooey Cute Japanese Anime

With the Xbox Live version of Minecraft, anime fans thought now would be as good a time as any for this. View "

Drew Brees Drove A Cab Around New York To Teach People About Concussions

Is this a commercial for Dick's Sporting Goods? Yeah, pretty much. But is it Drew Brees driving people* around New York City while ticking off random facts about concussion education and prevention? You bet your ass it is, unless green-screen technology has gotten a lot better recently. The really fun part is where he takes his eyes off the road to make direct eye contact with the people in the backseat, maybe not the smartest move for a guy currently without a lucrative longterm contract. But if it educates people about the debilitating effects of traumatic brain injuries, it's all good in our book. View "

The Same Old Sorkin: A Supercut of Recurring Phrases in Aaron Sorkin's Work

Aaron Sorkin's proclivity for self-plagiarism is fairly well established. In fact, the acclaimed screenwriter is so comfortable borrowing from himself that he recently used bits from an old commencement speech he gave at Syracuse University in a new commencement speech he gave at Syracuse University. View "

Watch A Wheel Fly Off A Porsche GT3 RS On The Nürburgring

It's hard to tell if the motorsports swag center-lock wheel came off this Porsche 911 GT3 RS 3.8 before it crashed out on the 'Ring, or because of it. When the wheel is flying at you while you film from the sidelines, it's not really important. View "

Amy Poehler Lets Us In on the Easiest Way to Make Will Arnett Cry

During a recent talk at the 92nd Street Y, everyone's fantasy bestie Amy Poehler was nice enough to answer questions solicited by Storyboard over Tumblr. Storyboard received over 600 questions and the ones that made the Q&A were pretty great. Like this useful gem: What's the easiest way to make Will Arnett cry? Answer: The Easiest way is also the most beautiful. View "

Enjoy the Best Moments From Louis C.K.'s Tonight Show Appearance

Louis C.K. stopped by the Tonight Show as the third season of Louis C.K.'s brilliant Louie premieres this week. Here are two great bits from his appearance: ragging on Jay Leno's weird face and Jerry Sandusky. View "

