The Best Videos Of The Week

Have you heard that video is a big thing over at Gawker Media? It's true, we watch and post a lot of videos each week. Here are some of the best videos of week, culled from an array of Gawker Media sites.

Viral Video of Shell Oil Party Disaster Is Fake, Unfortunately

If this video of a PR disaster at a private party hosted by Shell Oil atop of Seattle's Space Needle last night seems too good to be true, that's because it is. The video is a hoax, but a very good one! View "

Teeny Tiny Pig Overcomes His Fear of Stairs to Get to a Bowl of Delicious Oatmeal

Hamlet is a little shy about going down the steps, but, oh man, does he ever want that bowl of oatmeal. Thankfully, his effort is rewarded in a most delightful way. Snort, snort, snort. View "

PBS autotunes Mr. Rogers, the results are tender and trippy

You may be familiar with John D. Boswell's Symphony of Science music videos, which take the titans of academic inquiry and turn their words into song. For Boswell's latest video, PBS contacted him to euphonize the immortal lessons of the late, great Fred Rogers. View "

Finally, Barack Obama Covers ‘Call Me Maybe'

OK, so it's not actually the President singing Carly Rae Jepsen's oh-God-why-can't-I-stop-listening-to-this hit, but it's definitely the next best thing. View "

The Miami Heat's "Good Job, Good Effort" Kid As Heard Throughout History

He was there to tell Napoleon "Good job!" when the Little Emperor invaded Russia. He called the 1962 Mets season a "good effort." The young Heat fan who so enthusiastically endorsed his team's performance after last night's loss to the Celtics is no stranger to momentous occasions-in sports or otherwise. Here's a sampling of "Good Job, Good Effort" kid's reaction to some of history's great moments. View "

TVR's Scamander Drives On Roads, Fields And Through Water

The last time we checked in with what TVR was doing, the Scamander was the rough prototype of recently deceased designer Peter Wheeler's dream amphibious lunar rover thingie car. It was weird and had blade paddles sticking out from its wheels. View "

Wow. This 140-Foot-Wide Call of Duty Trailer Is Incredible.

This is most of the stunning Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 trailer that is stopping crowds at E3. This is the spectacle of E3, in terms of stopping hordes of people in their tracks... and with good reason. The screen Activision is running this thing on is over 100 feet wide. It's a hell of a sight. View "

Here's the First Trailer for Quentin Tarantino's New Film Django Unchained

Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kerry Washington star in a Quentin Tarantino Western about a freed slave (Foxx) and a German bounty hunter (Waltz) walking across the land to settle individual scores together. View "

Beautiful High School Time-Lapse Allows You to Relive Your Teenage Years From a Safe Distance

"Photographic Journey: A Life at Blair" is a stunning time-lapse video by student Tolu Omokehinde, documenting a day in the life at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. Omokehinde, now a senior, created the video as a goodbye to his fellow classmates and has been working on the project since last November. View "

Maine TV Anchor Reports Last Night's Heat-Celtics Game Four Ended In A Tie

Portland, Maine, isn't exactly a small television market. With a Nielsen DMA rank of 78, it's solidly mid-sized, amongst the Toledos and Omahas of the TV landscape. Regardless, stations sometimes find themselves shorthanded on the weekends-which appears to have happened at Portland's ABC affiliate WMTW last night, as anchor Meghan Torjussen found herself in charge of the sports report on the 11 o'clock news. View "

How Chinese Workers Transport A Utility Pole Without A Truck

Most of us are so brainwashed by the powerful truck-usage lobbies that we can't even consider any other options to moving things. Got a huge utility pole to move? Then you need a truck, right? But consider this: maybe you don't. This bunch of clever utility workers in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province of China sure as hell don't. They just needed an idea and an iron ox, both of which they had. View "

Nintendo's Most Important Game of 2012

The most important game for Nintendo this year is Nintendo Land. It is the launch title for the Wii U, which is perhaps the riskiest console Nintendo has ever created-yes, riskier even than the Wii. View "

New Dark Knight Rises Footage Premieres at the MTV Movie Awards

I guess this made the whole thing worthwhile. View "

Here Are All Of LeBron's Unspectacular 45 Points

Watching a supercut of LeBron James's scores in last night's parquet floorwiping of the Celtics, you're struck at how rote it seems. A cold, clinical series of possessions that resembled nothing so much as a practice drill that just happened to have five green-and-white clad obstacles on the court. View "

Mrs. Doubtfire Makes an Amazing Horror Movie

Perhaps you naively believed that Mrs. Doubtfire was a charming family film about a father's devotion to his children? Well think again. It's actually a terrifying horror movie about a psycho who terrorizes a woman and her kids, as this hilariously frightening recut proves. Not since The Hand That Rocks the Cradle has a nanny been so haunting. View "

Riding Shotgun In Italy's Most Insane Rally Cars

Mostly, new-product launches are as exciting as watching Chris O'Donnell in a checkers match. But Pirelli chose the foothils of the Italian Alps to launch a new line of tires for historic rally cars. Historic rally cars, you say? View "

E3's Unsolved Mystery: Are Watch Dogs and Star Wars: 1313 Really Next-Gen Games?

Are we actually seeing PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 video games at E3 and no one's admitting it? View "

Jon Stewart Was Highly Amused By CNN's Coverage of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

In order to properly cover the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, CNN went with wall to wall coverage that provided ample opportunity for Piers Morgan and the other commentators to gush about all the boats and the way they turned and other various non-events. CNN was so committed to the event, they didn't even break away when that horrible plane crash in Nigeria occurred. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped their coverage and was highly amused. View "

