The Man Punched Into A Coma For Complimenting A Guy's Wheels Is Awake

The Puyallup, Wash. man punched in the head when he complimented his attacker's rims woke up Saturday after more than a week in a coma.

Friends and family had gathered for a vigil in support of 21-year-old James Foster, who suffered severe head injuries when Daman Lehman, 25, allegedly punched him twice in the head after Foster complimented the rims on his Lexus.

There's no word yet on whether or not Foster has been able to speak since the attack, but kirotv reported that he opened his eyes and squeezed his girlfriend's hand on Saturday night as vigil participants stood outside the Tacoma hospital where he's being treated.

Lehman pleaded not guilty to assault charges is out on $75,000 bail.

News of the incident, as well as calls for retribution against Lehman, has spread like wildfire online. In lieu of the alleged attacker's Facebook profile — which was deleted since our last post — Lehman's detractors have created a "DAMAN LEHMAN DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON" page on the social media site.

As of this posting, it has 695 members, as well as Google Maps directions to Lehman's house and a link to his attorney's Facebook page (which, although the life in prison poster says doesn't limit comments, appears to be devoid of Lehman content). It was for that exact reason that a similar thread on social media site Reddit was also deleted.

Lehman's now deleted Facebook page listed his interests as "UFC: Ultimate Fighting Championship, AFFLICTION, Golds Gym Richland Wa, Powerhouse Restaurant and Brewery, reddit, 9GAG, Summit Pub, Vision Quest Sport and Fitness."

Photographic evidence also confirms that his arms are bigger than most people's thighs.

Photo Credit: kirotv, ikaiyoo

