What Car Have You Spent The Most Time Driving?
A majority of the automotive obsessed population of the world would love to drive something rare, flammable or ultra fast every day, but many of us have logged the most miles behind the wheel of cars that are a little more accessible—even if they aren't any more reasonable.
This weekend we want to know about the vehicle you have put the most miles on. Old, new, awesome or beige, we want to know what driver seat you've driven the most miles in—and what kind of car it was attached to. What car have you spent the most time driving?
I recorded the most miles behind the wheel of my trusty 1985 Mercedes 300D. Truthfully I'm not sure how many miles I logged on the car because when I bought it at auction the odometer was already broken (it showed 318,253) and I never bothered to fix it. I would estimate I spent 45,000 miles driving all over New England before I passed it on to a family member. In typical W123 fashion 4 years and who knows how many miles later (we never fixed the odometer) it's still going.
Photo Credit: MSVG