How Did This Semi End Up In A Frozen Lake?

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A Target 18-wheeler ended up off-target near Monticello, Minnesota this morning when the driver apparently lost control and plunged off the roadway into a frozen lake. State Police are trying to figure out how this happened.

Minnesota (we hope you said that in a funny accent too) cops were actually first to publicize the bizarre incident, publishing photos to Twitter before local news media could swoop in.

While the Ice wasn't nearly thick enough to support the truck, it could hold the driver, who was able to walk to safety across it. The driver, John Nettifee, was treated for minor injuries and given the once-over at a local hospital before being released.

Truck Into Ice

There's no official accident report yet, but another truck driver who allegedly witnessed the accident guessed that Nettifee lost control before his truck broke through roadside catcher cables and wound up in the lake.


(Video from KARE)