Owner Shows Off BMW On Internet Forum Before His Deadly Crash

The 28-year-old killed when he split his BMW M3 in half in a suspected high-speed drunk driving incident posted photos of the car and requests for track recommendations to an M3 forum. Sadly, he never got an answer.

Daniel Portela died when he was thrown from his new BMW M3 after losing control, reportedly because of alcohol, and crashing into a tree. Judging from his posts on M3Post, his 2011 Jerez Black M3 was only a few months old and something he was quite proud of, despite it not being his first M3.

According to his "introduction post" on M3Post back in 2008, Portela (who used Lucifer_M3 as his username) formerly lived in New York and at the time drove a blue 2008 M3, but planned on visiting Palm Beach, Florida for a few months in 2008. He also asked if anyone knew if there was a track in the area he could use.

Sadly, as another user pointed out, he never got an answer:

Damn, if only some member would've recommended a track to him, maybe he would've been able to control his "need for speed."

Maybe, maybe not. His poor decision making almost certainly isn't the fault of anyone on the boards (he was an infrequent poster), just a sad reminder of the dual dangers of drunk driving and street racing.

He ended his photo set with this, which seems appropriate.

(Hat tip to K5Blazer91)

