Commenter Of The Day: Prada Marfa Edition

In the middle of the tiny desert town of Marfa, Texas is a growing art collective dedicated to the pursuit of modern art. There are numerous galleries and pieces ranging from fascinating to slightly contrived. The best instillation is the permanent structure "Prada Marfa" by Elmgreen and Dragset. As the name suggests, it's a Prada store in one of the least affluent places (well, formerly) in Texas. The southwest setting mixed with the minimalist architecture is striking and the building is full of Prada bags and shoes (with no bottoms and security features). It's clever. I think the VetteRod-Amino's also great rural art, but ReverendDexter thinks there are limits to its appreciation.

To build this is divine inspiration sucked through an unfiltered lucky strike, boiled in Old Crow, and pressed out through the greasy shop rags of a thousand moonshine runners long past.

To *buy* this, however, would require an irrecoverable loss of both faculties and taste. It would be like buying some mad scientist's used robot girlfriend discarded from their awkward teenage years.

Purer art I have yet to see.


