Crashed Russian Army Helicopter Stranded Atop Mountain Forever?
Two months ago, a Russian military helicopter crashed on Mount Elbrus, Europe's highest mountain. It's still there, because the Russian military lacks the resources to cart it down 15,700 feet. It may stay up there forever.
This is a Mi-8AMTSh, a combat-equipped version of the Mi-8, the workhorse helicopter of the Russian armed forces. It crashed July 27 on a training mission, and an unknown number of soldiers on board survived. Months later, the wreckage remains.
One hiker who came across the site said the soliders assigned to salvage it lack basic equipment, including coats and food, let alone the machinery to dismantle the helicopter and cart it down a mountain. That makes us wonder when, if ever, will it finally be pulled down from the mountain. Could it stay atop Mt. Elbrus forever?
The graffiti translates to "Putin and Serdyukov, resign!" referring to Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov.
More photos here.