Merkur XR4Ti Reliability Problem Solved: Turbo Ford 351W V8!
The Türbö Schnitzel XR4Ti has competed in several LeMons events here in South Carolina, with predictable results each time: KABOOM! Obviously, an XR4Ti must have a turbocharged Ford engine, but there's no law that says it can't be a V8!
Even though most of the Schnitzels' mechanical woes have been transmission- and/or clutch-related, they've still had to replace enough head gaskets in the blown Pinto four that an engine swap seemed like a good idea.
So, they went to the junkyard and got themselves a 351 Windsor out of an Econoline 250, then did some eBay shopping for a turbocharger meant for a 7.3 liter Navistar Powerstroke diesel.
Now, just about everybody some folks might say that a blow-through Holley might be less than ideal for fuel delivery in such a setup, especially when the entire carb isn't fully enclosed within a pressurized box, but the Schnitzels have made "some mods" to their carb and everything will never in hell should work just fine on the track.
Wisely, they opted to skip the Friday practice session here at Carolina Motorsports Park, figuring their car probably has 7 a limited number of laps in it before something important breaks.
Will it be the differential? The junkyard T5 transmission? The brakes? Or will the 90-degree heat and high-mile engine conspire to blow both head gaskets during the first several minutes? Who can say? Check in later to find out!