14 Spectacular Supercar Crashes They Walked Away From
The modern high-performance car is an amazing beast, a fast, comfortable way to cover great distances at high speed. Most of them are also remarkably safe — these accidents, courtesy of Wrecked Exotics, left their drivers all but unharmed.
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2003 Ferrari 360 Modena
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Incident: Suspected drunk driver lost control while trying to overtake another car at triple-digit speeds. Left the road, drove up a 40-foot embankment, became airborne, and rolled twice before sliding upside-down into a field. The car was only three days old.
Injuries: Driver got out of the car without a scratch. Witnesses report that he was smoking a cigarette and standing around like nothing happened.
2004 Ferrari 360 Modena
Location: Eastern France
Incident: Man borrows his friend's Ferrari and loses control after showing off for his girlfriend. He crashed into another car and ran into live power lines, downing electrified cables and breaking the car in half.
Injuries: None.
2008 Ferrari F430
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Incident: Driver speeeds on highway, loses control, and slams into a guardrail with great enough force that the car breaks in two.
Injuries: Driver escapes with a handful of scratches.
2004 Ferrari F430
Location: Singapore
Incident: Car hit a guardrail, then a tree.
Injuries: Driver walked away without a scratch.
Porsche 911 Turbo
Location: London, England
Incident: Blew a tire at high speed and immediately swerved to the left, clipping an Audi A6 and rolling into a fence.
Injuries: None.
2007 Bentley Continental GT
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Incident: Driver lost control, rolling several times and ending up in a ditch full of water.
Injuries: Minor scratches.
2003 Porsche Boxster S
Location: Sedona, Arizona
Incident: Car lost traction while attempting to traverse a gravel-covered turn in the rain. Vehicle flew 50 feet into a 20-foot-deep ravine. It flattened a small tree on the way, landing on its nose and flipping upside down.
Injuries: Driver and passenger escaped with minor injuries.
2005 Porsche Carrera GT
Location: Monarch Beach, California
Incident: Accident took place after a light rain. Car lost traction and oversteered into a cinder-block wall, then spun around and hit the wall again. One of its wheels flew across the street into a neighborhood.
Injuries: Scratches.
2006 Porsche Cayman S
Location: Hvar, Croatia
Incident: Speeding car crashed into a stone wall and rolled multiple times.
Injuries: Scratches.
1996 Dodge Viper
Incident: Date with a pine tree that didn't go too well.
Injuries: None.
2005 Jaguar S-Type R
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Description: Rolled several times after the driver lost control at high speed.
Injuries: None.
200? Lamborghini Murcielago
Location: Undisclosed.
Incident: The owner of this vehicle had the car for less than one hour before he wrecked it. The first thing he did was go back to the dealership and order another one. No details on the accident.
Injuries: None.
2003 Dodge Viper RT/10
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Incident: Driver lost control at 130 mph; car began rolling at 65 mph.
Injuries: None.
2005 Ford GT
Location: Not disclosed.
Incident: Driver lost control and ended up in a ditch.
Injuries: None.