Commenter Of The Day: Apology Mouse Edition

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, when you're doing fifteen different things at once and talking on the phone and trying to make sure you're doing enough work to keep your job afloat, you miss things. Information slips through the cracks. Thankfully, because this is the Internet, there are people — oh holy mouse with flowers, are there people — to correct you.

Repeatedly. And without mercy.

And so we've brought out Apology Mouse. He is here to assuage your pain, to ease your suffering in a time of need. When we first watched the clip in This May Be The World's Only Jesus-Pimpin' Ghettocruiser Rap Video, we mistook a Chevrolet Cavalier for a Mitsubishi Eclipse. (Yeah, we know. Again, we were distracted.) Many voices piped up to let us know that we were assholes, but the most inspiring contribution was a two-parter from Zeeboid. This is the first:

...which, while pretty dang funny, is not COTD-worthy. But the pairing of that and this: Yeah, you're right. Apology Mouse loves you. It'll never happen again. Promise. Really. Please?

