Commenter Of The Day: The Slow-Moving President's Men Edition

Our Mr. Hardigree is on vacation this week, wending his way across California in an attempt to convince the people of the Golden State that everything, including Matt Hardigree's love for the common man, is big in Texas. (Update for the uninformed: He currently lives outside of Dallas, or Houston, or somewhere thereabouts. We prefer to keep his exact location a secret so as not to incite riots.)

Nevertheless, his fine reporting on last week's Toyota business did not go unnoticed. He dug up facts, he pounded the pavement, and he generally made all of us proud to be associated with the hard, degreed fist of investigative journalism.

Not that anyone was surprised. Matt is a tremendous — some would say rabid — fan of All the President's Men, and his tenacity is only in keeping with his love for that fine film/book/cultural watershed. When we reported on the latest development in the Toyota/Sikes Prius weirdness, Oddfish gave a shout-out to our Texan watchdog and summed everything up nicely:

Yeah, wife-swapping. Siler isn't married. We knew all along.

