One Week Until 24 Hours Of LeMons New England, Peugeot 504 Will Race!
Did you think that the Craptation X-11 Citation and UDMan's '63 Corvair were the only Index Of Effluency heavyweights coming to the New England LeMons race next week? Stand aside, Detroit heaps- France has arrived!
At this point, all our European readers are no doubt sputtering "You ignorant American fools! The Peugeot 504, she is bulletproof!" Maybe so- hell, they made the things in Nigeria until just a couple years ago- and maybe my own painful experience as a 504 owner was just a bad dream. But, see, the Safari Taxi Company's Peugeot has the not-so-bulletproof PRV V6 under its hood (unless the team has found the time and budgetary room to mate a supercharged GM 3800 V6 to the Pug's torque-tube driveshaft), and that means these guys are already LeMons Legends!
You can head on over to WebRidesTV for LeMons Supreme Court Justice Lieberman's complete team list now, and there you will learn that the track at Stafford will be graced by some pretty impressive machinery. If the 200-proof effluent combo of the Corvair, the X-11 Citation, and the Peugeot 504 just isn't enough for you, take note of the first-ever LeMons Datsun 510 (more on that later), the three Alfa Romeo Milanos, and the 1974 Dodge Monaco.
We'll have a poll to see which car you think has the best shot at the IOE, and of course we'll have our usual You Guess The Effluent Laps contest. This time, just state the total number of laps you think the Corvair, the Citation, and the 504 will finish, combined. Last year, the winner racked up 1,151 laps, so you can use that as a (very optimistic) baseline when making your guesses. The contest winner will be sent a box of obsolete LeMons T-shirts from 2006 that nobody will buy at the races top-quality LeMons gear, courtesy of 24 Hours Of LeMons HQ.
Which Index Of Effluency contender will take the trophy?(polls)