Basement Lamborghini Hits The Road, Builder Gets The Pink Slip

At long last, Ken Imhoff's basement-built Lamborghini Countach made its first run around the block. There's still plenty of test and tune left, but darn it sounds good. Unfortunately, Ken lost his job.

It's a pretty strong statement about our economy lately when a guy who can hand fabricate a car from scratch and do it with such spectacular craftsmanship can't hang onto his job. In any case, the car looks just like the real thing on the road. Though it may not have the satanic whine of a 5.0 liter V12, the Ford 351 V8 rumbling away with a nasty cam makes up for it. We're really looking forward to seeing what the car can do once everything gets tuned in. In the meantime, if someone needs this level of fabricating madness give him a call.

[Ken Imhoff Engineering]

