Zombie Traffic Sign Hacking Spreads To Illinois

Despite repeatedly asking for you to stop hacking electronic road signs, zombie hackers are now causing "daily lane closers" in Illinois.

KSDK, a news station in St. Louis, is reporting on the newest prank to sweep the nation. Joe Gasaway of the Illinois Department of Transportation has said that someone changed the IDOT traffic sign on southbound I-255 at Highway 162 to say "daily lane closers [sic], due to zombies" sometime this morning. We're just happy they're not Velociraptors. We hear those things can jump.

In KSDK's report, they say that Gasaway didn't know who changed the signs, but we've got a clue. Apparently electronic sign-hacking Jalopnik readers are sweeping the nation faster than we could have ever imagined. Please! We implore you — do not hack any signs to say "Jalopnik Rulez! Zombies Droolz!" and then take a picture of it and send it in to us. Don't do it! (Hat tip to Alex!)

[via KSDK]

