Nigerian Vigilantes Turn Goat Into Police, Accuse It Of Car Theft, Shape-Shifting Witchcraft

Nigerian Police are holding a witch, above, in custody while investigating charges he attempted to steal a Mazda, then transformed into a goat to evade the vigilante mob chasing him down. But, does he float?

Kwara State Police Command displayed the suspect for media the other day and explained the investigation into the attempted car jacking was still ongoing. The charges arise from a a vigilante group who turned in the goat following their citizens arrest. They claim two men attempted to steal a Mazda and upon failing and being spotted by neighborhood watchmen, attempted to flee. One of the men escaped, but the other, upon being cornered, turned his back to the pursuers and transformed into a goat. The vigilantes quickly grabbed the goat and turned it in to police. A spokesman for police later confided that they were really holding the goat until an owner showed up, but still, the official line is the goat is being held pending completion of investigation, meaning charges against the goat are possible.

We're silently wondering if the goat will soon begin sending us emails, telling the tail of his unlawful jailing and how he needs our help to transfer his fathers fortune to the United States. [Vangaurd via BBC]

At this point, I'd like to break away from the story and make a quick note. In my many years of education, years of work, and thousands of posts for Jalopnik, never have I ever thought I would ever write the sentence "The vigilantes quickly grabbed the goat and turned it in to police." I consider this a high water mark in the news of the weird. That is all.

