Go Out In Style With The Jaguar XJ8 Hearse

We were out and about cruising the snowy streets of Detroit, taking advantage of the return of sub-two dollar gas, and what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a stretched Jaguar XJ8 hearse.

We didn't even know Jag hearses existed given the dominance of Cadillacs, with their long wheelbase and powerful front wheel drive setup making them seem the only kind of hearse on the road. Not so.

This XJ seems to do the duty pretty well, with a wheelbase that's been stretched significantly and some stylish coachwork to finish things out. Technically, it's a fair bit more difficult than a Caddy hearse since it's got a multi-link rear suspension and a drive shaft turning the wheels. They even tossed some wheels on from an XJR to give that sporty touch. Regardless of the modifications, that's one stylish and cool way to take your last ride to the great beyond.

