Countach Guy Needs Help: Basement-Built Lamborghini Fans Lead To Huge Web Hosting Bill

If you remember (and really, how can you forget?) last month's stories about Ken Imhoff and his amazing basement-built Lamborghini Countach replica, you probably know the story turned into kind of a big deal — not just here, but all across the internet. While Ken was most gracious in allowing us to run the inside story of his amazing 17-year-long project, and humble in his sudden fame, he was not expecting all of you cretins to massacre his website's bandwidth limit. As such, Ken has gotten stuck with a huge bill from the company hosting the project homepage,, and he's wondering if we might pitch in to help him out a bit...

Ken emailed us about his plight last night (see below), telling us he's dropped a Paypal link at the bottom of his website where you can donate a couple bucks that'll go towards paying for the huge overage we all caused by rabidly clicking through his pictures of the build process. Don't think this is us just passing the buck; we kind of helped get Ken into this situation by telling the story then getting the inside scoop later on, so we're going to pony up a couple bucks to help out too. Obviously we don't normally do this kind of thing, but in this situation its the least we can do.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I have given everything free to the world on my story and expected nothing in return, that was my intention. My website service on the other hand doesn't feel that way. I have been charged $957 this month over my normal $8. That would feed my family for a month. I will make this short. If the story pleased you and your readers please go back to and I have placed a PayPal donation to offset the costs. Every little bit will help. Thanks again Ken Imhoff aka Countach Guy

(Keep in mind, once the thing is road tuned, Ken is up for us taking a spin in the car!)

