While we've been blown away by the quality of the facilities and workers at Carolina Motorsports Park- by all accounts, the best venue in the history of the 24 Hours of LeMons- and the incredible friendliness of all the competitors has us staggering beneath the intake of barbecue and beer forced upon us, the teams here haven't reached the level of the California races when it comes to the whole theme thing. That will come in future events, of course (and LeMons will definitely be back here next year), but this time we've seen only a few teams with the full car-decoration/team-costume treatment. One bunch that stands out is the Barry Goldwater-themed Corporate Machine Cadillac; while we think it's a bit of a cop-out to go with a right-wing theme in a conservative region of the country (how about a George McGovern theme next time?), we can't argue with the execution. Good work, guys!
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