The Lowest Daily-Driven VW Transporter You Could Possibly Imagine

Now, most of the time when I tell people I see a Type 2 driving around town with maybe two inches of ground clearance (if that), they assume the old bus has some sort of airbag suspension and can be raised up to clear driveways, speed bumps, lines painted on the road, etc. Nein! The utter madman who drives this Transporter- and drive it he does; I see it on the move all the time- has it set up to be this low at all times! Yes, you've seen Type 2s even lower than this... at car shows. East Bay readers who have seen this machine leaving showers of sparks on routine road imperfections, back me up here.

Once again, I'm stymied by the German reluctance to change a vehicle's design (just for the sake of change) when it comes time to tell you the year of this bus; the rear door size tells me it's from the 1956-62 period, but that's as close as I can get without spending the next 10 hours researching turn-signal lens differences. So, VWologists, what year is it?

The spotlight is a nice touch, although I shudder to think of the injuries that would result from slamming into the handle during a minor wreck. Oh, wait, there's no such thing as a minor wreck in one of these things.

It's got the sunroof, which is nice, and the roof rack, which probably isn't of much use on a vehicle with zero load capacity. Still, the rack looks cool.

The owner of this Type 2 also has an equally low right-hand-drive Thing, which I'm going to photograph one of these days. Hey, he knows how he likes his Volkswagens: low, lower, lowest.

The visor definitely works here, though I think a vintage Borgward or Glas steering wheel is called for.

It's literally in the weeds!

First 100 DOTS Cars

