1941 Chevrolet Pickup Truck
Here's a truck I'd been seeing around town for months, but was never able to capture holding still long enough to photograph for this series; another such vehicle is a powder-blue BMW 1500 that taunts me on a regular basis. Clearly, the owner of such vehicles drive them every day (very much in the spirit of DOTS) but they park them on obscure streets or- worse yet- in garages. Thwarted! Finally, I spotted the ol' green Chevy truck parked outside a popular dog park in the island's West End.
This might be a '42, but the short production run that year (in the month or two prior to GM switching over to vehicles that went "boom" instead of "vroom") means we're probably looking at a '41. You Chevy truck experts who can tell us more, please do so.
Either way, this truck is one of the oldest DOTS vehicles yet, either third-oldest or tied for fourth. The really impressive thing is that its owner uses it for everyday transportation; the guy who goes grocery shopping in his '45 Jeep must be jealous.
For '41, your Chevy truck came with a 90-horse six equipped with those newfangled overhead valves and a not-so-newfangled, not-so-pressurized oiling system that involved spritzes of oil aimed in the general direction of the connecting rods (actually, this system worked pretty well, but it still seems somehow wrong).