What's The Geekiest Car Thing You've Done Lately?

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Besides spending countless hours on a blog devoted to any and everything with four wheels, of course. I just got back from supper with a fellow auto-journo and with the lone exception of ordering food, our conversation didn't deviate from cars for a second. "Is a 208 even a Ferrari? I mean, come on!" Our obsessiveness and behavior differs from Trekkies (or is that Trekkers?) only because of focus and how we dress. Though apparently I'm trying to change that last bit. Yes friends, I broke down over the weekend and bought a pair of wrestling shoes. To my attractive, non-pistonhead friends I will explain how wrasslin' kicks are dope for weightlifting and boxing. But to you nerds – brother dorks – you haven't experienced a downshift until you've done so in a pair of these.

The interface between your left foot and the clutch improves 100% as the thin sole allows your toes to fully articulate. Heeling und toeing is a dream because of the wide, grippy and flexible outsole. Possibly best of all, there are large pieces of fabric that Velcro in place over the laces. Meaning that your shoes will never come untied while cornering again. Plus, they are just so light and tightly wrapped – left foot breaking, here I come! True, my new Asics have zero arch support, are ugly, uncomfortable and crappy for walking around in. And I'm as likely to start boxing again as I am to begin Lamas classes. Still, I love 'em as much as certain folks love their Romulan helmets. You?

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What's In Your Painful Reality Garage?; The Jalopnik Question of the Day [Internal]