What Was The First Car You Ever Truly Hated?
Whether it was awful design or an uncomfortable back seat that you used to ride in, what was your first automotive hatred?
It's easy to talk about the cars we love, heck I could wax lyrical about how much I'd like to try out a 2010 Aston Martin Rapide. What about the cars at the other end of the spectrum? What about the cars that you hate?
Today we want to hear about the very first cars that you ever remember hating. There are obviously a lot of widely derided cars out there, like the Pontiac Aztek and PT Cruiser to name but a few. For most of us, however, those probably weren't the first automotive creations to spark an angry response deep in our souls. So, what have you got?
Maybe you hated the retro stylings of the Chevrolet SSR, of which GM only managed to shift 9,000 of the more than 20,000 that it put into production. Or perhaps the Austin Princess irritated you from across the pond with its lackluster looks, questionable build quality and typical British reliability.
For me, I think the first car I remember actively disliking was probably the new Beetle from Volkswagen. There was just something about the way it looked and the way it clung to its past life as a hippie-mobile that really irked me. On top of that, it was, and remains, my sister's dream car and you can't like the same stuff as your older sibling. That would be wrong.
Around the same time, I also had a hatred for the battery-powered G-Wiz, so I guess that's worth an honorable mention here as well. It sucks too.
So what cars out there would make your blood boil if you saw them today? Head to the comments section below and let us know the cars that you first learned to hate. We'll round up some of the top offenders in a slideshow next week.