What's The Dumbest Looking Car?

There are tons of dumb-looking cars out there. Which stands above the rest?

Folks, there are a whole lot of cars out there, and they aren't all going to be winners. Some of them are just going to look and feel downright dumb, and that's what leads us to today's question.

We want to know what you think the dumbest-looking car of all time is. Now, you may ask yourself, what does that mean? Well, buddy, it means whatever the hell you want it to mean. A car looking dumb is sort of a vibes-based thing. It's subjective. Please know I am not asking you what car you think is dumb. There are plenty of dumb cars out there (looking at you, Cybertruck) with easy and obvious answers.

I want to know what car looks dumb. What car has a face not even a mother could love because it's too stupid? What car has a stupid ass bump in the middle of its grille that serves no purpose other than to look like a wart? What vehicle tried to mash a bunch of different vehicles together, making a dumb-looking mess?

With the latter, I am — of course — referring to the Chevy SSR. That convertible truck is the exact spirit of what I'm asking because dumb-looking does not automatically mean it's bad. Au contraire. The SSR may look dumb, but it is, in reality, a very cool vehicle. No, I do not care if you disagree. Keep it to yourself.

Anyway, drop down below and let us all know what you think the dumbest-looking car of all time is. As always, bonus points will be given out if you actually say why the car looks dumb to you!

