The “Street King” Gets A Talking To

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Daniel, the reason I brought you into my office is to talk about your behavior outside of work.

As you know, when you were hired, you signed Office Max's Code of Conduct which stated that your actions outside of the sales floor were a reflection of our company values. Now I know you guys like to get together behind the old Hobby Lobby next door and do your little Fast and Furious routine between the loading docks. But the other day I got not one, but two separate complaints from the manager of Men's Wearhouse and Petco. They say you almost ran over one of their employees and that you've been playing this "Dubstop" or "Twostep" or whatever it is, at really loud volumes.

Now put yourself in my shoes. I've warned you about your behavior before, like smoking in front of the store on your break, and your inappropriate relationship with Teresa the cashier. The day her husband came to the store, I almost had to call the police. But this latest action is just going too far. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go. I'll escort you to the time clock and you'll still get paid on Friday. Please leave your shirt and badge on the table.


This scene was written by reader Ash78 in response to our article on Daniel aka The Street King looking for street racers to race on Craigslist.

Photo Credit: Repo Man