It was the height of WWII, aerospace technology was developing at an incredible rate. The jet engine was a fragile…
Seventy years ago this week, Jim "Pee Wee" Martin was among the thousands of brave young men who parachuted down…
The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum of Hamilton, Ontario is using eBay to auction the opportunity of a lifetime…
Some GM engineers traded cars for tanks to test back during WWII.
I'd like to share with you what would be considered in the car world to be a "barn find" — something of great value…
To my shame, I'd never heard of the "Night Witches" until reading that Nadezhda Popova died earlier this month. Once…
One of the more bizarre weapons in military history was the Great Panjandrum, a huge rocket-powered spinning wheel…
This picture, taken in 1945 by Norwegian resistance fighter Trygve Grabow, shows Norwegian, British, and German…
A Polish oil worker recently stumbled upon a wrecked World War II fighter plane that's been sitting in the Sahara…
After stumbling across Chris Brown's Lamborghini Gallardo up done in a World War II fighter plane theme, a tipster…
If there's one thing missing from our lives, it's a totally camp sidecar based on a WWII fighter plane. This F4-F…
Hawaiian dentist Young C. Park has turned his attention to detail from teeth to models, constructing elaborately…
Lotus tasked itself with repairing a painstakingly accurate replica of a Spitfire fighter plane in preparation for…
If you can identify the planes that you see in this clip we'll give you a cookie and a Tylenol. [via YouTube]
We've been inside, around, and on top of a Sherman tank. Despite the fact that plenty of tanks before and after…