Speed limits, like death and taxes, are unfortunate parts of life, but rarely are they this obnoxious. Highways? 55…
Faced with dwindling resources, overcrowded prisons and much more significant crimes, Detroit police are now…
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm today suggesting the state should consider lowering its 70 MPH (which, in…
The Beeb's facing some criticism today from road safety activists over comments made by the very lovable, huggable…
With the first street legal Koenigsegg CCX arriving in the U.S. this week, we thought there couldn't be a better…
Germany is the land of the free when it comes to driving — one endless, luscious, bouncy ribbon of delimited…
European Union Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday that screaming…
While we understand that 30 over in many situations can be an unsafe speed, and is generally regarded as such on the…
While the new 80mph speed limit went into effect in Tejas last week in time for Memorial Day travel, the big rig…
Listen, we spend enough time doing 55 or less on the Dime as it is (I-10 is not the most uncongested freeway in Los…
Interesting things about I-10 in West Texas: Exit 420 is Baker Road. The Super 8 in Ozona — a town in which we were…
Sammy Hagar couldn't drive 55, while the Minutemen kept it steady at the double nickels traveling on I-10.…