Houstonians expected to wake up this morning to a dreamy city frosted with snow. Instead they found an icy…
A day after a blizzard stranded motorists for up to nine hours, creating the amazing post-Apocalyptic shots we saw…
We don't have much more to say than yes, this is a penis made of snow doing literally what the snow is doing metaphor…
This amazingly eerie shot sent in by a Jalopnik reader isn't a production still from the movie The Day After Tomorrow…
Blizzaster 2011 continues all across the United States. The gigantic snow storm has resulted so far in 12,000…
Driving on four wheels through the worst of winter seems daring enough, but what's it like with half as many contact…
We first showed you the bizarrely frozen Audi A3 in New York City earlier this week. Now there's video of the…
This Audi on 2nd Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue is what happens when a water main breaks in winter right next…
First, watch this video from yesterday out of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania neighborhood of Squirrel Hill, as cars…
An Atlanta TV crew setup for a live shot on winter weather caught a BMW 5-Series slipping, spinning and suddenly…
Single-digit cold is no reason to not get naked in the snow, as an unknown Budapest artist has shown on the…
One might think that residents of Colorado Springs, Colo., might be among the most experienced in the country when…
New York conducted itself like some third-rate 'burg during and after last weekend's blizzard, failing to take even…
It's not even January, and already millions of Americans have had weeks of snow driving. Every winter, astute owners…
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was unhurt yesterday when his SUV was rear-ended on the Belt Parkway as his driver…
This week's snowpocalypse showed New Yorkers' power over nature isn't as limitless as we think. Also, some…
Snowplows? How about Porsche's diminutive, mid-engined targa top to tackle the blizzard? It won't be fast and it…
This week's East Coast blizzard that shuttered airports and trapped subway riders was just the latest in a long…
These folks probably thought they were one of the lucky few to get a flight into New York City...until they landed.…
You know who had it bad after Sunday's huge blizzard? The poor buses of New York City's MTA. Reader Jillian Babcock…