With all of the options and features the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and other new models have, the robots on the…
“It is entirely possible that robots will become for today’s Toyota what the car industry was when Toyota made…
Today, potholes are monitored and repaired slowly, by human eyes and hands. The Univerity of Leeds just won $6.5…
Maybe the whole “driverless vehicle” concept isn’t all bad. Perhaps there are some circumstances where they could…
The Association of The United States Army throws its big land warfare expo every year, and this one seems to have…
I love spending time at airports. There’s so much cool stuff to see! From the control towers to the hangars to the ai…
Not long ago, there was only one massive, human-controlled robotic Mecha suit in the world. It was in Japan. Life…
Last week, we reported about how MegaBots, the American giant-piloted-robot-concern, finished their brute of a mech,…
On Monday, there was a sad incident at a VW plant in Germany where an industrial robot that was being set up picked…
I think what's weird about this clip is that MIT's Cheetah robot slavishly follows its own programming even when it…
There are three things that an aircraft carrier fears. One of them is a massive swarm of tiny boats, each of them…
During my recent trans-continental drive, after about hour 300 of slogging across America's infinitely-wide state,…
"I will crush them! Crush them all! Ford, Kia, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, Fiat, BMW, Hyundai, Tata, Volkswagen, and…
In a few years, when those new Star Wars movies come out, I'm looking forward to taking my son. Because I want to…
This is Ray and he'll be your robot valet for the day.
We all know Vice President Joe Biden is America's chief car guy, but his boss can get down with car companies just…
Robots are supposed to make our lives easier, not frighten us to the very core of our being.
Not all robots are as lovable as ASIMO.