We've been clear in our insistence that you please NOT hack electronic road signs, but have been impressed by some…
According to these road signs suggested by a Swiss motoring magazine in 1923, happy snails and iron giants were not…
A South Bend, Indiana public schools promotional billboard espousing the system's good attributes was accidentally…
You'd think as a road painter the one thing you'd never want to screw up is the "SCHOOL" road marking. Greensboro,…
Get to work on time? Not if you just sit there reading hacked road signs. Pay attention to the road! [CollegeHumor]
A Pennsylvania DOT sign warned drivers of potential hazards on Tuesday. Clever hackers or unusually informative…
Pranksters in Wisconsin once again ignored our continuous and fervent requests to not hack road signs. This time…
CNN's Jeanne Moos properly quotes Jalopnik as experts on not hacking road signs in a story today about the "No…
Someone in the Miami, Florida area decided to use our instructions for hacking road signs to send the message "No…
Either McDonald's is finally admitting where they get their meat from or "Angus" is a harder word to spell than we…
No one knows for sure if this "Attenzione Prostitute" sign in Treviso, Italy is warning motorists or trying to…
A digital graffiti artist modified this I76 freeway sign in Philadelphia with a combo guide for Street Fighter…
The bulk of graffiti is just mindless tagging for the sake of tagging and though pretty at times, it's also pretty…
We've told you over and over again not to hack electronic road signs for comedic purposes, but some Australians have…
Rogue milk cows must be a great danger to tiny cars, so beware any bovine suspiciously eyeballing your tiny car and…
If you see this sign, be very careful, somewhere ahead your car may violate the laws of physics. [McMillan]
According to some traffic experts, "Nanny State" traffic lights and road signs don't make us safer. Instead, making…
This deer crossing sign, spotted via Google Street View in Vancouver, BC, Canada, doesn't seem quite right. We can't…
We've repeatedly told you not to hack road signs, but you people never listen. Only this time you're professing your…
We didn't tell you specifically not to hack traffic signs to say "New York Is Dying." Are you going to make us spell…