Friends, speed-freaks, grease-monkeys, lend me your ears; We come to bury Crane Cams, the latest victim of the Carpoc…
A 13-year-old Beijing boy managed to slip into a parked city bus and take it on a massively destructive joyride…
We understand your frustration Mr. Bernero, but jeez-o-pete, lay off the campaign tactics and Red Bull for a minute…
Shocked motorists have spotted an Austrian softie who uses his tiny VW to relocate his beloved calves wherever they…
Ronald McDonald and F1 rulemeister Max Mosley used to "party" in the 80s. Now we know the price of keeping the clown…
Success was had on Wednesday in the fight against robotic roadway policing, the harbinger of Skynet, when a small…
Saab is exploring breaking free from GM. This would include moving the majority of production to Trollhattan, a move…
Much of the Country knew Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán Merino as "Khan" or "the guy from Fantasy Island," but car…
It takes a certain kind of bad driver to be banned from the road for almost 1000 years, but 84-year-old Luba Relic…
GM's reporting 221,983 US sales in December, 2008, down 31% compared with a year ago. GM kept the title of US sales…
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered city agencies to cut their municipal vehicle fleets by 10%. The…
Sacré bleu! The French Interior Ministry is reporting the country's emerging New Year's Eve pastime of burning cars…
We're told the roof of the Severstal Steel building at Ford's River Rouge Complex has collapsed due to snow. No…
Thomas Friedman's obscenely transparent attempt to sell books with yet another rant against "Detroit" has pushed us…
Dense Wednesday morning fog along California Highway 99 near Caldwell led to a mangled wreckage of 49 cars and four…
As the economy continues to take kidney punches, more and more once-exclusive tracks have decided that it's OK to…
ExxonMobil has announced third-quarter profits of $14.83 billion, the largest profit ever recorded in US history.…
"Doggone it! That's a bit ruff." That's the response Clayton Dwyer, a landscaper from Darwin Australia, gave when he…
On October 18th, Police apprehended an unnamed Michigan man in the act of coitus with his chosen mistress of the…
Remember the Caterham RS Levante? It's a fire-breathing version of the lightweight Catherham SV, with a supercharged…