The minivan with popular sports team logo plus a cartoon stick-figure representation of the family inside is a…
You never know what you'll find when you wander the Island That Rust Forgot!
Some people just love their Porsche Boxsters. There's no shame in it, they have a lovely chassis, so complimenting…
The Virginia DMV recalled this now-infamous racist Ford F-150 license plate after negative buzz on the web pointed…
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, other people are bound and determined to make the world a worse place. This…
The Ford Bronco helped invent the idea of SUVs as cool. Unfortunately, OJ Simpson's fateful police chase left white…
What do we think — is this a sysadmin's license plate or just a script kiddie with a really good sense of humor?
New Jersey, in a fit of impotent pointlessness, has made it mandatory for probationary drivers under 21 years of age…
Either this person is a huge fan of the Wu or he's dating this woman. [AutoObserver]
Ever wonder what all those different types of license plates you see on ZAZ-968s and '58 Buicks down on the Cuban…
The E38 BMW 7-Series has been and will always be one of the most significant executive sedans of all time. Doesn't…
A license plate reading "TOPGR" is pretty cool on it's own. On a Bugatti Veyron it's even better. In a license plate…
Andrew Ross Sorkin, author of the book "Too Big to Fail," brings us this personalized license plate belonging to…
Not only does Kyle Petty have one of them-thar cellular telephones, he uses it to tweet, like a metrosexual. At…
At one point in my past, I designed and proved-out the production line that built the Ford GT's giant throttle body.…
In a clear case of liberal media bias, the freedom-haters at the Wheels blog aren't covering a blatant case of big…
Albany's pitching replacing all license plates with these new "Empire Gold" plates — similar to ones used between…
According to the photographer of this image, the owners of these two cars do not know each other, and this happened…
We've seen some pretty unbelievable license plates make it through the screening process, but this might be the most…
The most official way to make your interests, hobbies and quirks known to the world is through a license plate. As…