I kid, because I'm sure this Michigan vanity plate I spotted in a Detroit suburb this week was totally just because…
Few mysteries among the Capitol Hill gossip set were more unsolvable, not to mention trivial, than that of the 2007…
While other states try to keep personalized vanity plates off the road, Texas auctions desirable combinations. Last…
This is Garth Yeaman, the 30-year-old who valiantly struggled to keep the world's greatest license plate from being…
Yesterday's story of one man's unsuccessful fight to keep the world's greatest license plate inspired others with…
Yup Mr. Camaro owner, nobody will ever know your license plate's full of it unless you flip it upside... oh, wait...…
LOL–707 has a rare trick: twofold rotational symmetry. Turn it around a point in the middle of the dash separating…
Nelson suddenly learned the true meaning of schadenfreude when he crashed his Cadillac CTS into a light pole and,…
Either this guy just had his license plates stolen or he thinks cops are way more stupid than they are. Close up…
For only $101,500 plus the cost of a custom plate, you too can laugh at the thought of using gas to run your Tesla…
This Serbian man may have honked at these dogs to spare them becoming road kill, but they took it as a threat and…
This Pontiac Vibe has a serious beef with Ricardo Montalban. Not everyone enjoys rich Corinthian leather. [XX-XY]
Apparently this California driver has little faith in the competitive abilities of either himself or his Mitsubishi…
California's so broke. "How broke are they?" California's so broke its state legislature is voting on a measure to…
What's funnier, the "IM HIGH" license plate on this "customized" Chrysler 300, or that the car is pacing a Rocawear…
It's "NA5CAR 2," part-electric boogaloo: This Toyota Prius, seen in Huntington Beach, prepares to do what comes…
From a design standpoint, the American license plate is a mess — some states' efforts are simple and appealing, but…
New Jersey motorist Kim Romano has had a "BIOCH" of a vanity license plate for four years. Now New Jersey's Motor…
You can learn a lot about someone from their vanity license plate. For instance, the owner of this bright "P***y…