The Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that because of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and…
China is now one step closer to become the top economic and military superpower in the world: their Beidou…
If your travel plans for Thanksgiving involve sitting behind the wheel for a few hours until you get to your…
Move over mustaches, it looks like November belongs to the Muppets this year. They've got a new movie coming out,…
Stereotypes: vicious, unfair, and hurtful. And perpetrated by malicious onboard guidance systems like this one,…
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case involving a man tracked by the FBI without a warrant for a month with a GPS…
MIT's last AIDA driving concept seemed dubious enough—a robotic backseat driver who'd give you navigational (and…
The folks at TomTom had good intentions when they shared anonymous traffic data with the Dutch government. They'll…
Loved ones are loved ones—who cares if they think Stop signs are short for "Stoptional?" They still deserve the very…
Want to know if the government is really tracking you? If you find one of these tucked underneath your car, you can…
A discussion about why GPS "real-time" traffic rarely occurs in real time.
Police can now track your car's GPS without needing a warrant. The net of social control just widened further. [Slash…
The GPS Angel is designed to warn drivers of red light and speed cameras using an on-board database and GPS. It's a…
Omar Ramos-Lopez was fired from his job at a Texas car dealership, so he got even. All of the company's cars was…
Cars are a part of American culture. We grow up in them, live in them, love them, but like the culture they reflect,…
Is technology making imbeciles of us all? Boing Boing Gadgets’ Lisa Katayama argues chronic GPS usage has put her in…
A recent survey from social science research firm NuStats, finds drivers using sat-nav systems use 12% less fuel…
Google Maps' new Latitude feature allows you to track your friends using GPS-equipped phones. Perfect for meeting…
Nissan is developing Darwin-defying in-car technology capable of detecting when old people and bad drivers head the w…
A trio of Norwegian men were en route to the airport in their rental car when the vehicle's GPS took them off the…