Ex-Dealership Employee Uses Internet To Disable 100 Cars
Omar Ramos-Lopez was fired from his job at a Texas car dealership, so he got even. All of the company's cars was equipped with an ignition interrupter controlled over the internet, so he went online and remotely disabled them.
The Texas Auto Center, where Omar had been employed, installs a system in vehicles it sells to customers with low credit scores or a poor buying history which can be remotely activated from the internet to disable the ignition or set off the horn. It communicates over the cellular network and takes commands from secure software accessible on the 'net. The company uses the system to turn the car off if the owner flakes out on payments and makes it easy to identify the car in the process of a repossession.
According to police, Ramos-Lopez used one of his former coworkers' passwords to log into the company's system for the purpose of mischief. He changed customers names to, no joke, Tupac Shakur, set off their alarms, and eventually started disabling cars.
Customers thought there was something wrong with the car, but employees started to notice a trend. How could they not? He was changing the customer names to Tupac Shakur! Eventually, after over 100 cars were locked, police traced the source of the shenanigans to Ramos-Lopez's computer and placed him under arrest. [AOL News]