One of the draft window stickers released today will give buyers of 2012 models efficiency data for gas and electric…
Tesla Motors ends its first day on the market at $23.89 a share, a 40.5% increase over the $17 pricing originally…
Slow down, it appears the Volt will not need its gas engine to "go fast" for Europe. [TheCarConnection]
Europeans define fuel consumption in liters of fuel needed for 100 kilometers of travel. Here’s the quickest way to…
America's winning in both World Cup and fuel inefficiency. U-S-A! U-S-A! [Infrastructurist]
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, at least half of the ten most efficient cars built since 1984 are…
Someone tried their own brand of junk shot on the sign at the SoHo BP service station at the corner of Houston and…
President Obama's proposing fuel economy standards for heavy duty trucks, thereby messing with Texas. [DetNews]
The Geo Metro often serves as a punch line for small-car jokes, but even modest machines have their benefits. To…
It's not just the V6-engined 2011 Ford Mustang with impressive fuel economy chops. We're now told the 412 HP…
GM just dumped an unnecessary presser letting everyone know the officially-official US-spec Chevy Cruze debuts at…
A new non-profit study, "Automobiles on Steroids: Product Attribute Trade-Offs and Technological Progress in the…
Dutch scientists have demonstrated how this aero tail, attached to the backside of tractor trailers, reduces fuel…
August average new vehicle fuel economy hit record 23MPG thanks to Cash For Clunkers. [TheCarConnection]
President Obama unveiled new, unified fuel standards today: 35.5 MPG fleet-wide by 2016. [Forbes]
Consumers hoping to trade in their old "clunkers" for new vehicles through the Cash for Clunkers (or CARS) program…
Hybrid technology propels most fuel-efficient vehicles currently on sale in the U.S., but with costly battery packs…
Honda's Insight hybrid may fall 33% short of U.S. sales goals. Why? America's already forgotten last summer's record…
AAA reports the national average for a gallon of gas's up 62.1 cents over the last 48 days to $2.67. That's a 30.4%…
When Obama unveiled new fuel standards we decried the end of fun cars and pointed out how far most automakers are…