We don't support drunk driving or any attempts to get out of an arrest for doing so, but we have give one Florida…
It's sometimes hard to see a bright side when something truly terrible happens, but for a bereaved Florida family…
A 21 year old North Carolina man rear ended a mobile alcohol testing lab last weekend while driving drunk in Newton,…
Amidst a bad breakup, a 22-year-old woman got drunk, stole a school bus and planned to drive it 3,000 miles to…
Have you ever seen a drunk-driving PSA aimed at teens that doesn't condescend to its audience and absolutely nails…
What's worse than drunk driving? Drunk driving with your four-year-old in the car. What's worse than that? Fleeing…
A Wisconsin man decided to flex his newly-acquired beer muscles by testing his newly-acquired track-ready Mustang on…
Pennsylvania police said today that "Jackass" star Ryan Dunn was drunk before crashing his Porsche 911 GT3 at 130…
Here's what a Virginia man is alleged in a lawsuit to have been doing when he crashed his car last year on the…
America's roadgoing drunks still account for a third of all traffic deaths despite years of public outcry and shame.…
Nick Ayers is the campaign manager for Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's bid to be the Republican presidential nominee…
What starts out as a slightly humorous video of a guy so wasted he's unable to stand slowly transforms itself into a…
After police attempted to pull over a Pontiac Sunfire Saturday, its driver, Christine Stroh, decided to resolve the…
They say you should test in the same mental condition you studied in for best results. That explains why a…
File it under "Only in Russia", authorities in the Russian city of Nizhniy Novgorod recently put up roadside…
William Parminter of Lincoln, Neb., drove away from the Lancaster County Courthouse Friday after a hearing for his…
A drunk driver in southern California wedged his Ford Fusion between two apartment buildings late Saturday, leaving…
Texas residents caught driving with a few too many Lone Stars not only face criminal charges but thousands of…
Repeat drunk driver David Weaving is serving a 10-year manslaughter sentence for hitting 14-year-old Matthew Kenney…
It turns out there's more to the story of the Mercedes-on-matte white M3 hit-and-run from this morning. The…