Sometimes folks get into a tough spot or don't know what to do, so I've decided to pick a few questions and try to…
Papa Puff Pants was not included in the deal, and instead will be staying with his owner, the actress who’s filmed…
More than 25 percent of used vehicles sold at eight CarMax locations across the U.S. contained safety defects that…
May car dealers are changing their vocabulary as buyer have wised up to extended warranties
CarMax bills itself as being better than your average used car dealership thanks to a “125 point inspection” said to…
And what about other third-party warranties? Are they any good?
A CarMax employee, 43 year-old Warren Smale, was killed when the Corvette being test-driven by 28 year-old Alex…
Ahh, the Range Rover. Capable of traversing swiftly and adeptly through any possible worldly terrain, provided that…
I recently took my Nissan Skyline GT-R to CarMax for a used vehicle appraisal. This is the least likely place you’d…
My Range Rover’s CarMax Warranty Is Now Half Over And It's Saved Me More Than $6000
I recently took my Hummer to CarMax for an appraisal, which was carried out by several helpful, perky CarMax…
Over the last few weeks, I’ve spent approximately 16 hours on commercial airplanes. This has given me ample time to…
We all know CarMax is great for buying incredibly unreliable Range Rovers or fast, unreliable European hardware well…
My Parking Sensors Failed: Another CarMax Warranty Update
Sales tax? Private sellers? Trade ins? We have answers for all your car selling queries
Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come: it's time for a new list of unreliable CarMax cars. You know what this…
There comes a time in the life of every Land Rover owner when he thinks about his children. Specifically, he thinks: …
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Christmas is upon us, and I've decided to celebrate in my own special way: by getting…
If you want to get a used Range Rover, the dream is dead
If you're a regular reader, you probably know that I write two frequent series here on Jalopnik. In one, I document …