The narrative over the last few years has been (expectedly) that Americans are nervous about self-driving cars…
The Toyota Research Institute unveiled its first research platform for self-driving cars last week, and it has a…
Automakers and lawmakers are trying to figure out to implement some level of oversight of autonomous vehicles, but…
The Ukrainian military hopes it can keep more of its soldiers alive when its new unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) hits…
The most vexing point when it comes to autonomous vehicle technology is how it’ll perform in the rain or the snow,…
If you fall down the Internet rabbit hole looking into autonomous cars, eventually you’ll arrive at Francis P.…
Tesla founder Elon Musk, a man whose history is peppered with promises and goals he failed to meet, offered up a…
Uber’s silly dustup in December with California’s DMV over its self-driving pilot program turned on the ride-hailing…
It may not get as much attention as Tesla or Google, but defense giant Lockheed Martin is diligently working on auton…
Vast scourges of seagulls routinely wreak havoc on coastal families, beach gatherings, and happiness in general, but…
As more autonomous vehicles hitting our roadways, they’ll be carrying with them an extra load of sensors and radars…
The supposed argument for autonomous vehicles is that they will cut back on fatalities stemming from car crashes by…
At times, Tesla’s ceaseless quest to secure legislative approval for its preferred method of selling vehicles comes…
When it comes to autonomous vehicles, oftentimes you’ll hear about Mother Nature posing some of the biggest problems…
A study last week helped cement something we’ve been well-aware of for some time: humans can be quite inattentive…
Remember Uber’s little dust-up in San Francisco over its self-driving car pilot program? (Jeez, that was—what—way…
You soon may be able to ask Amazon’s Alexa a question in your car, but if a new patent revealed this week is any…
The auto shows this month may have been nothing short of a driverless-tech wonderland, but carmakers have to…
Autonomous driving is the future, and automakers are trying to barrel toward it as quickly as possible. But how the…